>> To view a report for the currently opened chart
1.In the “Report“ menu select View in Editor. For many reports this opens the "Report Viewer Window".
For the following reports there is an intermediate step before the Report Viewer Window opens:.
Composite, Synastry & Star Matchmaker
If you have only created or opened only one chart you will not be able to view the report. You must have two charts to use in the Composite, Synastry or Star Matchmaker reports. For Synastry or Star Matchmaker reports, once you have two charts created and/or opened, you will be prompted to confirm the names to use for each person, and their genders. Then the Report Viewer will appear, and the report for the current charts will be loaded into it, ready for browsing, editing, printing etc.
Zodiac Child
First you will be prompted to confirm the name to use for the person, and their gender. Then the Report Viewer will appear, and the report for the current chart will be loaded into it, ready for browsing, editing, printing etc.
Note: On first opening Solar Writer if you select the "Report" menu, then "View in Editor" will not be available as an option in the "Report" menu. You will need to create or open at least one chart before this option can be used.