Current Charts Displayed Points

It is possible to select a set of displayed points which will be used only with the currently selected chart. This is useful, for example, when you wish to display a chart of the current transits in a biwheel with a natal chart. In this case, you might prefer the transits chart to display only the outer planets, because the inner planets and chart angles move so quickly as to be of much lesser importance.


>> To alter the current chart’s displayed point set - from the Main Screen

1.Select the chart that you wish to use from the list of "Calculated Charts"

2.Choose the Current Chart’s Displayed Points option from the Chart Options menu

3.Then follow the instruction relating to displayed points in Using the File Manager.

Whenever this chart is subsequently displayed, it will always contain the newly selected displayed points instead of the current set of displayed points which are used in all other cases.

If you wish to reset the displayed points for this chart to be the current set of displayed points again, then you must re-use this option to select whichever set of displayed points is the current set.


>> To alter the current chart’s displayed point set - from the View Chart window

1.With the mouse right-click on the screen, and a pop-up menu appears

2.Choose the Current Chart’s Displayed Points option from the menu

3.Then follow the instruction relating to displayed points in Using the File Manager.


Note: This doesn't necessarily change the displayed points of the chart currently displayed in the "View Chart" window. It will do if that chart is also the chart in the "Calculated Charts" list that was last selected, and is therefore the "current" chart (see current chart for more info). Otherwise it will change the points to be displayed for whatever chart happens to be the current chart, which may not have even been viewed in the "View Chart" window at that point.

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