Changing Chart Options

It is possible to alter any of the following items that relate to the manner in which charts and reports are calculated and displayed.

Chart points to be displayed

User Defined Points (UDP) to be displayed

Points to be displayed in Transits type charts

The current chart’s displayed points

Points included in an extra wheel ring

Aspects used and their orbs

Chart points which have aspects drawn to them

Fixed Star file, Arabic Parts file, Asteroids file and Extra Bodies file

Style of displayed chart wheels

Style of displayed chart dials

Selection of whether to display houses proportionally

Application of house cusps adjustment when houses are over-full

Selection of whether aspect lines appear in displayed charts

Selection of whether aspect glyphs appear in displayed charts

Selection of aspect highlighting and filtering options

Special chart superimposition options when displaying multi-wheels

Colors schemes used for chart points, aspects, zodiac signs and as backgrounds

Fonts used for screen displays and printouts

The selection of each of these is described in detail in the following sections. It is possible to save any of these selections so that they will be used automatically when the program is next started up. See Saving and Restoring Settings for instructions on how to do this.

Displayed Points

Displayed Transiting Points

Displayed Transiting Points

Current Charts Displayed Points

Extra Ring Points

Aspect Set

Aspected Points


Wheel Styles and Dial Styles

Proportional Houses

House Expansion

Aspect Lines

Aspect Glyphs

Aspect Highlighting and Filtering

Multiwheel Superimposition

Color Schemes


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