A chart may sometimes have many planets or other chart points in a single house. In this case, when you view the chart you may find that some of these points spill over into adjacent houses. If this happens, you can switch this option on to prevent this from happening. When switched on, this option will cause any over-full houses to be expanded to accommodate all the required points, so that it is clear in which house they reside.
>> To change the current house expansion setting, from the Main Screen
•Choose the House Expansion option from the Display Options submenu of the Chart Options menu
This will switch on the option if it is currently off, or switch it off if it is currently on. When the house expansion option is switched on, a tick appears to the left of this item on the menu.
Once this setting is altered, any chart subsequently displayed on the screen or printed will be affected.
Ø To update the display of any previously viewed chart in the "Chart View" screen, click on the the ReDraw button.