Using the File Manager

This chapter describes how to use the "File Manager". The "File Manager" is a common access point to various file management functions for all the file types which exist within the program. It is possible to create new files, delete existing files, copy files, rename files or select files to be the current file, from within the "File Manager". For certain file types it is also possible to edit the file.

The "File Manager" is accessed from a variety of different menu options and screens within the program.

Choosing any of the following types of options from the Main Screen menu, or from other locations in Solar Fire, will invoke the "File Manager".

Chart File

Displayed Points

Displayed Transiting Points

Extra Ring Points

Aspect Set

Aspected Points

Fixed Star File

Arabic Parts File

Asteroid File

Extra Bodies File

Wheel Styles

Dial Styles

Point Colors

Aspect Colors

Sign Colors

Interpretations File

In the dynamic report selection and graphic ephemeris selection screens, clicking on any of the following boxes will also invoke the file manger.

Transiting Points

Extra Transiting Points

Progressing Points

Extra Progressing Points

Radix Points

Extra Radix Points

Transiting Aspects

Progressing Aspects

The "File Manager" will also be invoked if the "File" button is selected from any screen.

When the "File Manager" screen appears its title line will display the name of the file type that has been chosen, and the list box will contain an entry for each file name of this file type. The file name that is highlighted is always initially the "current" file (i.e. the last selected file). If there are no files of this type then the list box will be empty, and it will only be possible to create files.

The "File Manager" dialog can be resized horizontally or vertically as required by dragging its borders with the mouse. It is possible to leave the "File Manager" at any time by selecting the Cancel button.

Selecting a File

Selecting a Folder

Creating a File

Deleting a File

Copying or Renaming a File

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