Calendar Information

Each calendar day displays the following information...

The day number - at top left.

The time zone - at top center - this is the time zone for which any calendar entries showing times relate to.

Lunar zodiacal info - at top right. This shows the Moon glyph, followed by its current sign glyph, or two glyphs if the moon makes an ingress into a new sign during this calendar day. Where there is an ingress, the exact time of ingress is shown below this. If the Moon goes void of course during the day, then the time that this occurs is also shown.

Lunar phase information - at bottom center. This shows a small graphic representation of the current lunar phase, plus a further description of the phase. The graphic will show the phase as it is viewed for the hemisphere of the chart that the calendar is based on. If any of the four major phases occur on this day, then the time of the exact phase is given. On any other day, the name of the current phase, and the lunar phase angle at midday are shown instead.

Dynamic calendar events - in the central section. This lists all the transits, progressions and/or directions and other dynamic events which are currently selected in the Calendar Preferences.


Dynamic Calendar Events

Each entry is given in one of the following formats...

For the first item on a line - Event Type, Point1, Aspect, Point2, Time (optional)

If there is enough space, then there may be additional entries on the same line which relate to the same Event Type and Point1.

For additional entries on the same line - , Aspect, Point2, Time (optional)

Event Types which appear here are the same event types as those which appear in the dynamic reports, and are described fully in the description of report layouts.


Ordering of the Events

If the option "Show Exact Times of Hits" is selected in Calendar Preferences the events are ordered by the time of the day, with the most recent events at the top of the list and the least recent event at the bottom of the list.

If the option "Show Exact Times of Hits" is not selected in Calendar Preferences the events are grouped firstly by the type of event, and then within that by planet and/or point.


>> To view an interpretation of an individual calendar event

Hover the mouse over that calendar event

This causes a tooltip to pop up showing the interpretation of that event. The interpretation is automatically taken from whichever interpretation file is currently selected for use with the calendar.


>> To view a report containing all events and their interpretations

Select the View Interpretations Report item from the View menu.

Your word-processor will be opened up displaying this report.

Note: To keep a permanent copy of the report, you must save it under a different name, because Solar Fire always uses the same report name.

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