Editing a Time Zone Table


>> To edit a zone table or view zone table data

1.Select the required entry on the list of available zone tables

2.Click on the Edit button.

This will display the “Edit Time Zone Table” dialog displaying the data for the current zone table.

>> To set the title and other options

1.Enter a Table Name  - preferably a name which is descriptive of the locations to which this table applies.

2.Optionally select the Next Table - from the Next Table drop-down list, select any other existing table that should be used for dates following the last date in the current table. In most cases you will want to leave this set to “None”.

3.Set the verification message option - if the time zones in this table are likely to continue changing regularly after the last entry in the table, then you may choose to have Solar Writer issue a warning message for charts with dates beyond the last entry in this table. If you want to see such messages, ensure that this option is checked.

4.>> To add an entry to the table

1.Click on the Add Entry button.

2.Edit the Start Date - the date on which the new time zone takes effect

3.Edit the Start Time - the time at which the new time zone takes effect

4.Edit the Time Zone abbreviation or longitude standard - you can enter any of Solar Writer’s standard time zone abbreviations, or click on the > button next to the Time Zone box to choose a zone from the list of available zones. You can also enter any longitude in Solar Writer’s usual longitude format (e.g. 135E00) to apply a fixed zone standard. Each 15 degrees of longitude corresponds to 1 hour of time, so 135E00 corresponds to -9 hours from GMT.

>> To delete an entry

1.Select the required entry in the table

2.Click on the Delete Entry button.

>> To sort all entries into correct order of date

1.Click on the Sort Table button.

This will put the earliest entry at the top of the list down to the latest entry at the bottom.

>> To save any changes you have made

1.Click on the Save button.

This will sort the list, and return you to the previous screen.

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