Casting a New Chart

It is possible to cast new natal or event charts for subsequent display, and any such charts may also be saved to a chart file for later re-use.

>> To cast a new chart

1.In the Chart menu click on New.

This will display the “Chart Data Entry” dialog box. (For Synastry reports, if you have already previously open or cast two charts, then you will first see a dialog asking you which chart you wish to replace. For Composite reports, if you have already previously open or cast two charts, then the most recently cast or opened chart will be retained, and the new chart you cast will replace the other chart.)

You may enter all the required details on this screen. These details are:

Chart Name - Enter up to 30 characters to describe the chart. Typically this is the name of the person for whom you are casting the chart. This must not be left blank.

Date - Enter the date for the chart. Most normally used date formats are acceptable. See Entering Dates for a description of valid date formats.

Time - Enter the local time for the chart. Most normally used time formats are acceptable. See Entering Times for a description of valid time formats. You must enter a time, even if the actual time of birth is not known. If so, then the best solution is normally to enter a time of 12 PM.

Place - Enter the name of the place for the chart. Alternatively you can click on the place button to access the Atlas module. See Using The Solar Writer Atlas for instructions on using an Atlas. After entering the Place and Country, you may optionally use the Lookup button to get the required place details, including the latitude, longitude and timezone, from the Atlas. (See Using the ACS PC Atlas for an alternative atlas option you can use for entering the place.)

Country - Enter the name of the country or state in which the place exists. If you are using the ACS PC Atlas, then you should enter the State name or two-letter state abbreviation for places in the USA, or the country name for places in all other countries.

Zone - Enter a timezone abbreviation and/or time difference. See Entering Time Zones for a description of valid timezone formats.

Latitude - Enter the latitude of the chart location. See Entering Latitudes and Longitudes for a description of valid latitude formats.

Longitude - Enter the longitude of the chart location. See Entering Latitudes and Longitudes for a description of valid longitude formats.

Chart Type – Select any of the available chart types (such as Male, Female, Event etc.). This option is useful mainly for synastry reports in which the gender of each person is required. Entering the correct gender here saves you having to select it again immediately prior to the report generation. You may leave this as “Unspecified” if you prefer.

The buttons may be used as follows:

Now - Fills in the Chart Name, Date and Time fields according to the computer’s internal clock. If the computer’s clock is not accurately set, then you can use the control panel’s Date/Time icon to reset it.

Place - Displays the Place Database screen from which place details may be selected or edited. See Using The Solar Writer Atlas for a full description of these features.

Zone - Displays the Time Zone Selection screen from which a timezone may be selected. See Entering Time Zones for more details.

Lookup - Looks up the currently entered place and country details using the selected atlas type, and if that place is found, updates the latitude. longitude and timezone fields automatically.

>> To select the Atlas type to use

1.Select one of the options in the ‘Atlas to Use’ box

If you select the Solar Writer Atlas option, then when you click on the Lookup button, the entered place and country name will be looked up in the Solar Writer place database files. If the place cannot be found, then a message box will appear giving the reason. You also have the option of clicking on the “Place” button which displays the Place Database screen from which place details may be selected or edited. See Using The Solar Writer Atlas for a full description of these features.

If you select the ACS PC Atlas option, then when you click on the Lookup button, the entered place and country name will be looked up in the ACS Atlas. If the place cannot be found, then a message box will appear giving the reason. You also have the option of clicking on the “Place” button which displays the ACS PC Atlas screen from which place details may be selected or edited. See Using The Solar Writer Atlas for a full description of these features.

2.If the Auto Lookup option is checked, then an atlas lookup will be performed automatically after you have entered new date, time and/or place details, without you having to use the Lookup button.

>> To calculate and display the new chart

1.Click on the OK button.

This will return you to the Main Window, and the new chart will be displayed in it.

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