In the "Dignity/Almuten Editor" you can also set these options...
•Sign Boundaries
The usual modern practice is to deem that an astrological sign starts at 0° of the sign. However, it is possible that some ancient astrologers may have deemed a sign to begin at 1° when defining the term rulerships. In this case, the first degree of each sign is deemed to be the 30th degree of the previous sign. No other degrees are affected, and this option only affects determination of the terms. For example, in the Ptolemaic Terms table, Jupiter would rule from 1°00 to 5°59’59” of Aries, and Saturn would rule from 25°00 of Aries to 0°59’59” of Taurus.
•House System
You can opt to allow Solar Fire to use whichever house system is in use with the chart for which this definition is being used, or you can force it always to use a selected house system. This is useful if you are trying to emulate the almuten calculations of medieval astrologers who used a specific house system, for example.
•House Cusps Degree Offsets
When determining which house a planet is placed in, many astrologers read a planet forward into the next house if it is close to the cusp of the next house. You can emulate this procedure by specifying a number of degrees from each house cusp type within which the planet will be considered to be in the next house. Typically this offset is greatest for angular houses, and smallest for cadent houses. For example, specifying an offset of 8 degrees will cause any planets lying up to 8 degrees ahead of an angular house cusp (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) is deemed to be in that angular house. This procedure only affects the dignity/almuten scoring for house placements of planets, so will have no effect unless you are using non-zero scores for the “In House” dignity scoring items.
•Part of Fortune
If the Part of Fortune (or its dispositor) is selected as a summation point in the Almuten calculation, then you can specify whether it is calculated according to the daytime formula only, or whether to apply the different nighttime formula in any nocturnal chart. A similar option is also available within the main Solar Fire program, but the setting of the option in this screen overrides the choice you have made in Solar Fire when almuten calculations are being performed.