Editing a Dignity/Almuten File

There are several reports and page objects within Solar Fire that use a dignity scoring system in order to determine which planet is the most dignified in certain circumstances. These items are as follows...

Essential Dignities Tabulations - These are displayed in the “Horary” report and also in the “Essential Dignities” page object, and are defined in the file essdig.alm in Solar Fire’s main program files folder.

House Almutens - These are displayed in the “Horary” report and also in the “House Almutens” page object, and are defined in the file house.alm in Solar Fire’s main program files folder.

Dignity/Almuten Scores - These are displayed in the “Dignity/Almuten” page object. By default, they are defined in the file general.alm in Solar Fire’s main program files folder, but the user can generate any number of customized definitions in files of the type *.alm in Solar Fire User Files / Almutens & Dignities folder, and opt to use these customized definitions instead of the default.

In each case, the dignity scoring definitions are stored in files of the type “*.alm”, and any file of this type may be edited in the Dignity/Almuten Editor.


>> To start the Dignity/Almuten editor

From the Utilities menu, select the Dignity/Almuten Editor item.

When the editor first starts up, it will prompt you to select an existing dignity/almuten file. If you do not select one to open, then it will start with a new dignity definition set containing a single definition for the scoring of essential dignities.

Manipulating Files

Editing a Single Definition

Selecting Further Options

Adding a New Definition to the List

Deleting a Definition

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