Solar Eclipse New Moon March 29, 2025 – Cosmic Course Corrector

Our March 2025 Solar Eclipse is one with a difference. Usually, a New Moon is the ideal time to set intentions for the coming months and beyond, but not this one. This New Moon is also a partial Solar Eclipse, and it is the last of the Aries/Libra Eclipse series. So,...

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Science and astrology combine this week as we experience a total Lunar Eclipse. Scientists accept that the Sun and Moon have a gravitational pull on the earth’s tides, and that the tides are at their highest at Full Moons and Lunar Eclipses. Astrologers believe that...

Venus Retrograde – Is it Love actually?

You have heard of Mercury Retrograde and may be aware of the positives and pitfalls of this trickster as he wends his way through the Zodiac. But did you know that the planet of love, Venus, also retrogrades? Yes, Venus changed direction on March 3 and goes back...


The Year of the Wood Snake begins on January 29, 2025 and will last until February 16, 2026. The snake is the sixth animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac, and is associated with wisdom, patience, and mystery. The Year of the Wood Snake will bring a sense...

It’s Arrived!

Our Astro Gold iOS Astrolocality Mapping Add-on is now available through your Astro Gold iOS app on the iTunes store. Astrolocality Mapping at your fingertips!

Coming soon!

Astro Gold Astrolocality Mapping iOS App – Cosmic Travel on the Go!