Starting Solar Writer

Solar Writer starts up automatically as soon as its installation has finished, if you select the option of doing so.

On subsequent occasions, or if you chose not to run it immediately after the installation had completed, then you will need to start it up yourself.

>> To start Solar Writer on its own

1.Click on the Start button.

2.Double-click on its icon in All Programs, or otherwise its icon on the desktop or surface. Solar Writer will then start up.

The first thing Solar Writer does is check its records for your details. It needs these so that if Solar writer experiences a critical problem, and you then decide to send the automatically generated data about that problem to Esoteric Technologies, Solar Writer can include your details so the support personnel know who had the problem. If your details are incomplete you will be asked to enter them, after which Solar Writer will continue.

Next the a window will be displayed where you can select the report you want to use - the last report you used will be pre-selected. Once you have done that the main window will be displayed. For more information about this process see The Main Solar Writer Window.

Our Solar Writer quality interpretation reports for Windows are beautifully illustrated and written by world-renowned astrologers.