Editing Dynamic Interpretations

>> To edit the dynamic interpretations text of a dynamic report

1.In the Report menu click Select, select a Dynamic type of report then click the Select button

2.In the Report menu click Edit Dynamic Interpretations

This will open the Interpretations Editor, ready for you to edit the dynamic interpretations text.

From the Interpretation Type drop-down box select “Point in Aspect to Point”.

This will cause three more drop-down boxes to appear on the right, which are respectively the transiting point, the aspect and the natal (or radix) point.

You can browse through existing interpretations by selecting combinations of points and aspects from these drop-down boxes.

When you have selected the required transiting point, aspect and radix point, you can simply edit the displayed text, and your changes will be saved automatically as you type.

Important Notes:

There are a variety of other options available in the Interpretations Editor. These are present because this program is a general-purpose Interpretations Editor used by other programs (such as Solar Fire) for a variety of types of interpretations. Most of these options are superfluous to Solar Writer, and should not be used. In particular – beware of the following:

If you change the name of the interpretations file by using the File / Open or File / Save As menu options, then changes you make to this file will not be accessible from Solar Writer. Solar Writer works only with the  file name with which the interpretations editor first opens. There is certainly no harm in using the Save As option to save a backup copy (e.g. “Original transits.int”) before your start editing. However, you should ensure that you subsequently edit the original file – this is assured if you close and then re-enter the interpretations editor according to the instructions above.

You must not switch off the Dynamic Aspects option under the Edit menu.

Unless you are adding new types of aspects, you must not edit the list of Aspects under the Edit / Aspects to Include menu item.

The “Point in Aspect to Point” interpretation type is the only one used by Solar Writer. Any text for other interpretations types is simply ignored by Solar Writer.

Our Solar Writer quality interpretation reports for Windows are beautifully illustrated and written by world-renowned astrologers.