Selecting an Event Type

By default, any new chart is labeled as an “Unspecified” chart, which is a catchall name to cover any kind of astrological chart. However, you are also able to select some alternative labels that describe more exactly what type of event the chart describes. Some of these labels are used in other parts of Solar Fire to help display chart information in its most appropriate format.

If the event type that you wish to select is not already highlighted in the Event Type list box, then simply find the required event type from the drop-down list and highlight it.

The event types available in Solar Fire are as follows...

Unspecified – This is used for charts which were created in older versions of Solar Fire, or alterative astrology programs when imported into Solar Fire.

Male – use this label for the birth chart of a male. This label is used in synastry reports to apply the correct gender language to the interpretations.

Female – use this label for the birth chart of a female. This label is used in synastry reports to apply the correct gender language to the interpretations.

Event – use this label for any non-natal chart, such as a transit chart or mundane event.

Horary – use this label for any chart which is cast for the purpose of asking an horary question. In this case, the Chart Name can contain the text of the question.

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