Selecting Alternative Chart Types

When setting up an animated page the dynamic chart selection dialog is similar to the multiwheel selection dialog, except for the additional option of selecting a dynamic method to apply to some or all of the charts in the wheel or on the page.

You can select the following chart types or methods:-

Transits – This will display a chart of transiting positions, varying with the animation date and time. When this option is selected, there is no need to select a base chart.

Fixed Base Chart – This will display the selected base chart as fixed, so that it does not vary with the animation date and time. This option should be selected, for example, with a natal chart that you wish to place in the center of a multiwheel, with transits or progressions around it.

Secondary Progressions – This will display a chart of the progressed positions calculated from the selected base chart.

Mean Tertiary Progressions – As above

True Tertiary Progressions – As above

Minor Progressions – As above

User Progressions – As above. The user progression rate is one of the settings that may be specified in the Preferences dialog of Solar Fire.

Solar Arc Directions – This will display a chart of the directed positions calculated from the selected base chart.

Ascendant Arc Directions – As above

Vertex Arc Directions – As above

User Rate Directions – As above. The user direction rate is one of the settings that may be specified in the Preferences dialog of Solar Fire.

Annual Profections – As above. The profection rate is equivalent to a direction arc of 30 degrees per year.

Age and Age+1 Harmonic - These will display a chart of the age and age+1 harmonic positions calculated from the selected base chart.

van Dam Primaries - This will display a chart of the van Dam directed positions calculated from the selected base chart.

When you select a progression or direction method, you may also choose whether to apply converse or precession correction options, by checking the appropriate boxes as required. If Solar Arc, Ascendant Arc or Vertex Arc methods are chosen, then you can also use the Mult button to select an arc multiplier if you wish. These options have the same effect as the same named options when casting subsidiary charts under the Chart menu. See Casting Subsidiary Charts for further information on these options.

The Selected Chart list at the bottom of the dialog contains a list of which chart types have already been selected. If you have selected a uniwheel or page which requires only one chart, then this list will only have a single item in it. If there are multiple items in the list, then you must click on the one you wish to select or edit before changing your selection of base chart and/or dynamic chart method.


>> To select a transits chart to animate

1.In the Selected Charts list, click on the item that you wish to change to transits.

2.In the Dynamic Methods list, click on the Transits item.

It is not necessary to select a base chart in this case, because transits depend only on the animation date and time, and are calculated independently of any base chart.

>> To select a fixed base chart

1.In the Selected Charts list, click on the item that you wish to change to a fixed base chart.

2.In the Base Charts list, click on the required base chart.

3.In the Dynamic Methods list, click on the Fixed Base Chart item.

Any chart that you select this way will remain fixed, even though you may be running an animation. This option is only to be used when you have other dynamic charts in the same wheel page, such as transits or progressions to the base chart, and you want the base chart to remain fixed as a radix chart whilst the other dynamic charts are animated as the date and time change.

Note: If you use the fixed base chart option when you are only viewing a single chart on a wheel or page, then the animation features will have no effect.


>> To select a dynamic chart to animate

1.In the Selected Charts list, click on the item that you wish to change to an animated chart.

2.In the Base Charts list, click on the required base chart.

3.In the Dynamic Methods list, click on the required dynamic method (such as Secondary Progressions, Solar Arc Directions etc,), and optionally also select the Prec. Corr. and Converse options.

Any chart calculated by this method will be derived as a subsidiary chart of the selected base chart, and updated according to the animation date and time.

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