Solar Fire calculates chart Hylegs in one of its reports as well as in a page object. The Hyleg is a planet, or a position in the chart, which is representative of the life and vitality of the native. Unfortunately there is currently no universal consensus on precisely how the Hyleg should be determined, even though the general principles are not disputed. Various astrological authors have written on the matter, and we have attempted to incorporate our best understanding of some of these by creating a set of algorithms for their calculation. These are as follows...

Bonatti/Lehman - Based on J. Lee Lehman (et al)’s derivation of Bonatti, as described in “Medieval Methods of Longevity Measurement: A Pilot Study” The Astrological Journal Volume 42, No. 1, Jan/Feb 2000, p60.

Omar/Bonatti - Based on Omar's method as described in "Three Books on Nativities" by Omar of Tiberius, Translated by Robert Hand, Project Hindsight, Latin Track, Volume XIV. This method was also described by Bonatti as translated in “Tools & Techniques of the Medieval Astrologers” by Robert Zoller.

Ptolemy - Based on Ptolemy's method as described in p39-41 "Night & Day - Planetary Sect in Astrology" by Robert S. Hand - ARHAT Monograph #1

These methods use data settings stored in two required files – HYLEG.ALM and HYLEG.ASP. Certain details of these calculations may be altered by the user by editing HYLEG.ALM in Solar Fire’s main program files folder with the Dignity/Almuten editor, or by editing HYLEG.ASP in Solar Fire’s aspect set editor.




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